Autumn 2022 Living Tao Essential Tai Ji Series — Session One
(September 2022)
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Master Huang’s teaching is designed to refresh and review previous curricula, while delving more deeply into the ongoing exploration of the Living Tao forms, metaphors, and philosophy.
Over the course of the Series, Master Huang will introduce new material, including:
~ Full Moon Nature Bathing Meditation;
~ Poetry of Li Bai & Su Dong Po;
~ Calligraphy & Metaphors for Peace; and
~ 1st Circle & Wu Xing 五行 Five Moving Forces Development

靜夜思Jìng Yè Sī [quiet] [night] [think]
Quiet Night Thoughts
床前明月光Chuáng qián míng yuè guāng [bed] [front] [bright] [moon] [light]
Bright moonlight before my bed;
疑是地上霜Yí shì dìshàng shuāng [suspect] [is] [ground] [on] [frost]
I suppose it is frost on the ground.
舉頭望明月Jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè [raise] [head] [look] [bright] [moon]
I raise my head to view the bright moon,
低頭思故鄉Dītóu sī gùxiāng [lower] [head] [think of] [old] [home village]
then lower it, thinking of my home village.
蘇軾 ⽔水調歌頭 Water Song*, by Su Shi (明⽉月幾時有), aka Su Dong Po (東坡)
明月幾時有,Míng yuè jǐshí yǒu,[bright] [moon] [how much] [time] [have]
When did the bright moon first appear?
把酒問青天。Bǎjiǔ wèn qīngtiān.[hold] [wine] [ask] [blue] [sky]
One raises a cup and asks the blue sky.
不知天上宮闕,Bù zhī tiān shàng gōngquè,[not] [know] [Heavens] [on] [palace]
One does not know, in the celestial palaces,
今夕是何年。Jīnxī shì hé nián.[today] [evening] [is] [what] [year]
what year it is this evening.
我欲乘風歸去,Wǒ yù chéng fēng guī qù,[I] [want] [ride] [wind] [return] [go]
I wish to ride the wind and return there,
又恐瓊樓玉宇,Yòu kǒng qióng lóu yùyǔ,[again] [fear] [jade] [building] [jade] [room]
yet fear the jade towers;
高處不勝寒。Gāo chù bùshèng hán.[high] [dwell] [not bear] [cold]
in a high dwelling one cannot bear the cold.
起舞弄清影,Qǐ wǔ nòng qīng yǐng,[start] [dance] [play with] [clear] [shadow]
Starting to dance with one’s clear shadow –
何似在人間。Hé sì zài rén jiān.[what] [resemble] [in] [human world]
what else resembles the mortal world?
轉朱閣,Zhuǎn zhū gé,[revolve] [red] [pavilion]
Revolving around the red pavilion,
低綺戶,Dī qǐ hù,[low] [silk-work] [door]
lowering to a silk-work door,
照無眠。Zhào wú mián.[shine] [not have] [sleep]
it shines upon the sleepless.
不應有恨,Bù yīng yǒu hèn,[not] [should] [have] [hate]
It should not have resentment;
何事長向別時圓?Hé shì cháng xiàng bié shí yuán?[why] [thing] [always] [before] [separate] [time] [full]
why is it always full at times of separation?
人有悲歡離合,Rén yǒu bēihuānlíhé,[people] [have] [sorrow] [joy] [parting] [reunion]
People have sorrows, joys, parting and reunions,
月有陰晴圓缺,Yuè yǒu yīn qíng yuán quē,[moon] [has] [dark] [clear] [round] [scarce]
the moon is dark, bright, waxes or wanes;
此事古難全。Cǐ shì gǔ nán quán.[this] [issue] [ancient] [difficult] [entire]
these problems have been this way since ancient times.
但願人長久,Dàn yuàn rén chángjiǔ,[yet] [hope] [person] [long] [long time]
Yet one hopes for longevity;
千里共嬋娟。Qiān lǐ gòng chánjuān.[thousand] [miles] [together] [moon] [beauty]
a thousand miles apart, together [seeing] the moon’s beauty.


An — Inner Peace

Tai — Peace

Ping — Balance

The beginning of each Living Tao circle form:
Infinity/Mobius strip action based on the traditional
Lan Que Wei 揽雀尾 Grasping Swallows Tail
These next movement sequences follow:
Peng Lu Ji An 棚捋擠按
Dan Bian 單鞭 Single Whip
Bai He Liang Chi 白鹤亮翅 White Crane Spreads (flashes) it
Wings Shou Hui Pi Pa ⼿手揮琵琶 Hand Strumming or Plucking Pi Pa
Each of the circles end with:
Bao Hu Gui Shan 抱 虎 歸 ⼭山 Embrace Tiger Return Mountain
Symbols, Metaphors & Philosophy

*1. This poem is a 詞 poem, intended to be sung to the melody ⽔水調歌頭 (Shuǐ Diào Gē Tóu). The poem is often known by “蘇軾 ⽔水調歌頭” (Su Shi – Water Melody).