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An International Cultural Arts Network for Lifelong Learning

“NC.L. Al Huang’s teaching at my Music School in England had made more positive impact than any other teachers before. His Tai Ji Dancing and Taoist teaching was the perfect complement to our international student body of prodigious musical talents.”

Yehudi Menuhin
Violinist, Conductor

Artist: Joan Baez

Throughout his remarkable life, everything that Master Huang has accomplished has been imbued with artistry and Tai Ji. His natural gifts as teacher/mentor and performer, his knowledge of the intellectual and spiritual aspects of Tai Ji, along with a total devotion to his students, have endeared him to thousands of people around the world.

In recognition of his contributions and achievements, Master Chungliang Al Huang received a Ford Foundation grant to pioneer Modern Dance in the Republic of China (1966-67), and was awarded the Gold Medal Award, the most prestigious award in the field of education given by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China.

In addition, he is a research fellow at Academia Sinica, a fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Science, Stockholm, Sweden, and he was awarded “Best New Presenter” by the YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization).

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