Winter 2021 Living Tao Tai Ji Study Series — Session One
(January 2021)
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Warm-up and review of essential Qi Gong Tai Ji forms. Further exploration of Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching) verses, and Yi Jing (I Ching) hexagram metaphors. Beginning interpretation of
信心銘 Xin Xin Ming (Trust in Mind) Zen (Chan)禪 verses.
Calligraphic symbols of “Beginner’s Mind” 純真初心 Chun Zhen Chu Xin。 Music and dance.
Getting Back to Yin/Yang Circular Balance!

Focus on transcending the blocked in square of the “Black & White” Yin/Yang split, to return to Yin/Yang Circular, evolving/revolving dance of the Opposites—Meditate on the classic symbol of Tai Ji with the “S” curve division within, and acknowledge the essential opposites, the black and white dots, within both sides. Reflecting within ourselves of the balancing act to redefine Centering process of personal equilibrium— Cultivation begins with the Self, to extend outward to others, to family, community, country and the world at large.

*Reference: Lao-Tzu’s TaoTeChing, Translated by Red Pine ISBN1-56279-085-4
Ba Gua/Yi Jing

“Beginner’s Mind” 純真初心 Chun Zhen Chu Xin
Review the First Circle of opening the “Gateways of Mystery” –Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) Verse #1, the last line: Behold what is in front as both the “Past—My Life So far” to learn from, and “Future—of uncharted journey ahead with possibilities” to anticipate, catching up with the HERE and NOW at the Center of our Being.
Supplemental References
The following material can be found in previous session study materials which have been posted on the Living Tao website.
September Study Materials:
- Wu Xing (Five Moving Forces)
- Jing/Qi/Shen (Essence/Breath/Spirit)
- Tai Ji Ritual Guide
- Tai Ji Chakras (Zhong/Yong/An/Ding/Ne/Guan/Yin)
October Study Materials:
- Mobius Loop Sculpture by Pius Brogle
- Yong (Eternity)
November Study Materials:
- Yin Yang Cartoon