Autumn Living Tao Essential Tai Ji Series — Session One
(September 2023)
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Master Huang’s teaching encourages a holistic approach to Body, Heart/Mind & Spirit study through the practice of Living Tao philosophy, metaphors, and forms.
Over the course of this Series, Master Huang will introduce new material in the following practice areas:
* Classics, Culture & Music: (Session One) Da Jia hao大家好and variations of one FAMILY of ALL;
(Session One) I Ching 易經 (Yi Jing): The Book of Change and Transformation.
* Related Calligraphy & Metaphors; and
* Continued articulation & development of the Tai Ji Forms.
Da Jia hao大家好
Great big family, are we well?

Yi Jia Ren 一家人
(One family People)
Wo Men Yi Jia Ren 我們一家人
(We are One Family People)
“We do not use the word ‘opposite’ in a straight line. . . Nature is always curvaceous–not a square or straight line.” ~ Chungliang Al Huang
The Body/Mind/Spirit practice and understanding of the
Tai Ji Ritual,
Wu Xin (Five Moving Forces) &
the 1st Circle

“Transcend the need to look more ‘Tai Ji-like’. The minute you do that. . .
you are blocking your Chi. I do not do Tai Ji. Tai Ji does me”. ~ Chungliang Al Huang
By Rainer Maria Rilke
English version by Robert Bly
Slowly the west reaches for clothes of new colours
which it passes to a row of ancient trees.
You look, and soon these two worlds both leave you,
one part climbs toward heaven, one sinks to earth,
leaving you, not really belonging to either,
not so helplessly dark as that house that is silent,
not so unswervingly given to the eternal as that thing
that turns to a star each night and climbs —-
leaving you (it is impossible to untangle the threads)
your own life, timid and standing high and growing,
so that, sometimes blocked in, sometimes reaching out,
one moment your life is a stone in you, and the next, a star.
By Rainer Maira Rilke
Original Language German
Der Abend wechselt langsam die Gewänder,
die ihm ein Rand von alten Bäumen hält;
du schaust: und von dir scheiden sich die Länder,
ein himmelfahrendes und eins, das fällt;
und lassen dich, zu keinem ganz gehörend,
nicht ganz so dunkel wie das Haus, das schweigt,
nicht ganz so sicher Ewiges beschwörend wie das,
was Stern wird jede Nacht und steigt –
und lassen dir (unsäglich zu entwirrn) dein Leben
bang und riesenhaft und reifend, so daß es,
bald begrenzt und bald begreifend,
abwechselnd Stein in dir wird und Gestirn.

ECCO: Earth Coincidence Control Office
~ John Lilly’s belief in his god

Shui / Water |
Jing / Mirror |
Yue / Moon |
Hua / Flower |
1. The Family of Man, Curated by Edward Steichen, Photography by Carl Sandberg; The Museum of Modern Art New York.
“A groundbreaking humanist classic from the eponymous 1955 show at MoMA.
Hailed as the most successful exhibition of photography ever assembled, The Family of Man opened at The Museum of Modern Art, New York in January 1955. This book, the permanent embodiment of Edward Steichen’s monumental exhibition, reproduces all of the 503 images that Steichen described as “a mirror of the essential oneness of mankind throughout the world. Photographs made in all parts of the world, of the gamut of life from birth to death.” A classic and inspiring work, The Family of Man has been in print for more than 40 years. The New York Times once wrote that it “symbolizes the universality of human emotions.” First produced by a magazine publisher and sold by the hundreds of thousands on newsstands and in airport shops, The Family of Man has been in more recent years published by the Museum. It has been continuously in print since 1955; the present thirtieth-anniversary edition was prepared from original photographs with all new duotone plates in 1986”.
2. “From Here to Alternity and Beyond with John Lilly”; Mavericks of the Mind: Conversations for the New Millennium— Interviews by David Jay Brown & Rebecca McClan Novick (The Crossing Press, 1993 Freedom, CA 95019)
“The explanatory principle will save you from the fear of the unknown. I prefer the unknown….”
~ John Lilly from this book
John Cunningham Lilly was an American physician, neuroscientist, psychoanalyst, psychonaut, philosopher, writer and inventor. He was a member of a generation of counterculture scientists and thinkers that included Timothy Leary, Ram Dass, and Werner Erhard, all frequent visitors to the Lilly home. He gained renown in the 1950s after developing the isolation tank. He saw the tanks, in which users are isolated from almost all external stimuli, as a means to explore the nature of human consciousness. He later combined that work with his efforts to communicate with dolphins.
3. Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana, by Pietro Mascagni.

Downloadable PDF available here: Study_Materials_Sept_2023