Autumn 2021 Living Tao Essential Tai Ji Series — Session Three
(December 2021)
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Continued exploration of the metaphors of the basic Tai Ji motifs, starting with the “Five Moving Forces of Nature” 五行 (Wu Xing), the essential Qi Gong practice of the “Eight Folds of Silk Brocades” 八段錦 (Ba Duan Jin), and gradually unraveling the Tai Ji circles, one motif at a time, delving deeper into the never ending explorations. We will re-examine the simple purity with the metaphors of “Unbleached Silk and Uncarved Block” 純樸 (Chun Pu); to “Return to Being the Child” 返樸歸真 (Fan Pu Gui Zhen), to recapture a “Sense of Universal Wonder”, to be 天真 Heavenly Truthful (Tian Zhen), and Naturally So 自然 (Zi Ran).
Tai Ji Ritual – First Motif and
Tai Ji Chakras
[Refer to September 2020 Study Materials]
- Shuang Shou Tuo Tian li San Jiao雙手托天理三焦
Both hands hold up the Heavens to regulate the Triple Heaters
- Zuo You Kai Gon Si She Diao 左右開弓似射雕
Drawing the bow left and right to shoot the hawk
- Tiao Li Pi Wei Xu Dan Ju 調理脾胃须單舉
Circulate heaven and earth with singular arms for healthy spleen and stomach
- Wu Lao Qi Shang Wang Hou Qiao 五劳七傷往後瞧
Looking back stretching to heal all illnesses
- Yao Tou Bai Wei Qu Xin Huo 摇頭擺尾去心火
Sway the head and shake the tail to cool the overly passionate Heart Fire
- Liang Shou Pun Zhu Gu Shen Yao Two 兩手攀足固腎腰
Hands hold the Feet to strengthen the kidneys and lower back
- Zan Quan Nu Mu Zeng Qi Li 攒拳怒目增氣力
Clench the fists and glare fiercely to fortify Qi strength
- Bei Hou Qi Dian Bai Bing Xiao 背后七颠百病消
Looking back seven times a hundred illnesses will be healed
經脈Jing Mai
Regulating the Qi Meridians
Meeting Robert Bly
[See Author References below]
Dao De Jing Verse 28

“Unbleached Silk and Uncarved Block” 純樸 (Chun Pu)
[Refer to October 2021 Study Materials]
I LIVE MY LIFE – Rainer Maria Rilke
(translated by Robert Bly)
I live my life in growing orbits,
which move out over the things of the world.
Perhaps I can never achieve the last,
but that will be my attempt.
I am circling around God, around the ancient tower,
and I have been circling for a thousand years,
and I still don’t know if I am a falcon, or a storm,
or a great song.
“I should be content
to look at a mountain
for what it is
and not as a comment on my life.”
~ David Ignatow
太極拳 Tai Ji open fist
太極掌 Tai Ji palm release
揽雀尾Lan Que Wei / Grasping Swallows Tail
Bai He Liang Chi 白鹤亮翅 White Crane Spreads (flashes) it Wings
Shou Hui Pi Pa 手揮琵琶 Hand Strumming or Plucking Pi Pa
Supplemental References
Edward Yudenich, Conductor (ne: 2004) (Background Summary)
Books by Robert Bly
- News of the Universe: Poems of Twofold Consciousness (1980) – Anthology assembled by Robert Bly
- Iron John: A Book About Men (1990) – by Robert Bly
• Walking Swiftly: Writings & Images on the Occasion of Robert Bly’s 65th Birthday – by Ally Press (1992-09-01) - The Light Around Your Body (1967)
The following material can be found in previous session study materials which have been posted on the Living Tao website.
September 2020 Study Materials:
- Wu Xing (Five Moving Forces)
- Jing/Qi/Shen (Essence/Breath/Spirit)
- Tai Ji Ritual Guide
- Tai Ji Chakras (Zhong/Yong/An/Ding/Ne/Guan/Yin)