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An International Cultural Arts Network for Lifelong Learning

Autumn 2014 Newsletter
(September 2014)

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September 2014

Early autumn greetings from Oregon Coast!


We just concluded 3 weeks of our River House summer seminar with heart-full fulfillment of blessings and bliss, re-affirming our shared commitment of perpetual, lifelong learning together. Participants, long time friends and newcomers, came from all over America, Canada, Finland, Switzerland, and as far as Hong Kong and Japan.

We began daily with the ongoing learning to review and renew our Tai Ji Rituals, Five Moving Forces and the Expanding Circles, absorbing the wisdom from the classics of “The Three Pillars of Asian Wisdom”, Tao and Zen poetry of the world, emphasizing the Chinese poems from Tang and Song Dynasties, supplemented by Japanese Haiku, also American “High Kukus”. We continued to enter deeper, exploring the wisdom of the Chinese written symbols through the multi-dimensions of visual, kinetic and emotional/ spiritual embodiment experiences. Each day as we entered the River House space, we were surrounded by these new visions, beckoning for deeper recognitions and exchanges. At times almost overwhelming, but gradually, they became familiar, comforting and enlightening for us.


Some highlights to share;

The joy of first week coming together right at our first group lunch— already, with the ease of “At-One-ment ” to be the kindred family of the world. So many serendipitous convergences amongst us in family history, shared experiences with awe-inspiring synchronicity.

The group became a harmonious whole by the evening meal during the second week, at our “August Birthday” party of Yuki and me.
Our beloved Japanese friend was born on the same year, same month, and same week as me—in Shanghai at the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War. We met seven decades later when Yuki and wife Miko came to Esalen to my seminar. So re-affirming to acknowledge this historic difference of warring opposites coming together now to be individual humans as brothers of the world. No more blame, only deeper loving ways of being.


Yuki and I have vowed to continue celebrating our August birthday every year. We are inviting you ALL to RSVP the date to join us at our “100th Year” Tai Ji Dance together!!


We had to bid farewell to several who must leave at the end of earlier weeks, but the remaining lucky 3rd week folks had the joy and auspicious fortune to delve deeper and broader in our continual explorations of “Living our Tao” learning. During our I Ching studies, with the hexagram #48 of Jing (The Well), I recalled a childhood memory of hot summer in China, dropping the watermelon in the deep WELL to chill before cutting it in half to scoop and quench our thirst. After we had cleaned out the red juicy melon to the white rind, it became a perfect cooling helmet to put on our heads. Cooooool!! Everyone seemed to recall instantly his or her similar childhood’s delicious moments of such delight.!

During our last week, we were invited to visit the spectacular “Cliffhanger” House of our local friend Greg Empson. As always, his welcoming hospitality touched our hearts. After Tai Ji dancing on the outdoor deck and taking in the great view that exceptionally windless, bright sunny afternoon, on our way back, we also managed to enjoy another outdoor treat at the Otter Point State Park. It was a very special day indeed. !


On our last day, with that perfect remaining half melon helmet cooling in the refrigerator, I conjured up an impromptu ceremony to bestow each participant with the “Watermelon Crowning Experience”!!! See the photo collage of us, and me as the proud “Monkey King”! Wish you All could have joined the fun!


Shortly Suzanne and I will leave Oregon to return to our Illinois home. I will be joining David Darling and Susan Osborn for the “Inside Joy Festival!” at Avanti Consortium in Sedona, Arizona, first weekend of October. Thanksgiving time will be when I return to Esalen Institute to conduct my annual week in Big Sur from Nov.30th , Tai ji dancing with many old and new friends, followed by a weekend of reunion with Amory Lovins.

After the Holidays, Suzanne and I will begin celebrating our 50th anniversary on a trip to the Far East and “Down Under”; return to Honolulu in time to help celebrate Jean Erdman (Mrs. Joseph) Campbell’s 99th birthday; then the Chinese New Year weekend at Evergreen College just before our 2nd annual “Heritage Seminar” in Gold Beach late February.

Tentatively, from late May through mid June in 2015, we are hoping to gather a group of congenial international Living Tao friends to return to China again, with several new places to include in our itinerary. For those of you who have previously inquired with interest to join, let us hear from you. We will send more details to determine whether this proposed Lan Ting gathering in China in early summer will be feasible to pursue and materialize.

Until next, I wish you ALL a wonderful autumn, and to continue galloping along “The Watercourse Way” for the rest of the Wood/Wind Horse Year!


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